Sunday, September 11, 2011

Packed and Ready

     It feels like only yesterday that I met Liz, one of Sergio's close college friends.  It was a little colder then, December 2nd to be exact and that's when the seed was planted.  Essentially Liz said, "come to Italy, help celebrate my birthday in November of next year."   With Sergio having been to Europe several times already and myself still at a zero count he really took the thought to heart.  I believe it was by mid January when he asked me if I wanted to go ahead and really plan a trip to Italy.
     Needless to say I agreed and just a few months later the plane tickets were booked and we were on our way to planning what we decided to call our belated honeymoon.  Now we are under 6 days away from our flight to Rome and I couldn't be more excited and nervous all at once.  To try and help prevent some of that stress we gave ourselves a fake departure date and we are packed and ready to go.



  1. Matching suitcases! Nothing says love more than that. Well actually I think matching D90 cameras. I'll get on that as soon as we get back baby!

  2. Giving yourself a fake departure date is the smartest thing I have ever heard, in terms of preparing for travel. I love the matching suitcases too - so chic and cute. I love how you describe making this dream a reality. Can't wait to see what your travels bring and hopefully get to share some of them with you two lovely people.

  3. The best photo I have is a mental photograph of my orchestra buddies and me having a picnic in Switzaerland near the Meringen gorge, eating rhubarb pie under the only trees around. I'm so happy you guys are photographers and going to such a beautiful journey because I trust the two of you, of all people, will document this journey beautifully. Can't wait to see the pictures!

  4. Ok, kids, I'm hooked. Let me know where you are, what you'll be doing, etc... as I'll be reliving my honeymoon with you on this trip. Arrividerci and buon viaggio!

  5. How fun! Please share the details of your adventure. It's been way too long since I've been there. We're trying to take a belated honeymoon too. Maybe in 2013 for us. Enjoy!

  6. Matching suitcases? I thought they were both Stephanie's! How do you travel across the globe on one suitcase?

  7. My husband could never pack that efficiently! Yes, I said my husband...He has to overpack and be overprepared for everything! Kudos for the two of you getting EVERYTHING in those two little suitcases! Have fun and be safe!!!
