Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pisa and its Tower

We left Florence feeling sort of crappy, I had a full on cold with sneezing, soar throat, itchy eyes, & runny nose.  Plus we were sad to see it go so fast, we new we would be at our final tour destination...Venice by the end of the night.  So several hours and an Autogrill stop later, we were in the city of Pisa.  Our trip manager Laura asked us try and get the most creative Pisa picture we could think of for a prize.  After looking in vain for a pharmacy we took our silly hanging on to the tower picture and then I sat in the shade of the tower while Sergio ran around taking pictures of tower.  I have to admit that was underwhelmed by the whole experience but I'm not sure if it was the tower, which deserves some recognition or my cold that was keeping me from being more enthusiastic.  


1 comment:

  1. By the way...I did not win the prize. I won 2nd place. A horse holding the tower up with its head.
